Unit 1 Contents

Unit 2 Contents

Unit 3 Contents

Unit 4 Contents

Unit 5 Contents

Unit 6 Contents

6.7. What next?

We hope you will carry on your voice practice until Better Voice technique becomes the new normal, because the benefits will increase dramatically. Here’s a reminder of what a Better Voice can give you: 

  • A voice for life that you can use for as long as necessary at a time without it getting tired or weak. 
  • A clear, focused, well-modulated a voice that’s easy to hear and pleasing to listen to. 
  • No future strain or damage to your vocal folds. 
  • Recovery from any previous vocal fold damage. 
  • More confidence because you have confidence in your voice. 

Once the basics are well established you may want to develop your Better Voice further. Part Two of the Better Voice course gives step-by-step guidance on how to: 

  • Maintain your Better Voice technique over a larger range of notes and jumps in pitch. 
  • Add interest to your voice by developing a more musical and varied delivery. 
  • Smooth over breaks, those areas of your voice where you experience a gear change in the sound quality. 
  • Quite possibly extend your vocal range by moving beyond breaks that you have felt are a floor or a ceiling to your voice. 
  • Identify and learn how to integrate into your voice sound qualities you are not currently using when you speak. 
  • Develop voice effects that can be safely added on to your Better Voice as needed. 
  • Use your voice most effectively in challenging environments at work. 

Whatever plans you have for your Better Voice, we wish you and your voice well. 

© E.G. White Society 2019


Many people have made valuable contributions to this Better Voice course. First among them is Course Consultant Dr Peter Giles. Not only did he provide constant support and encouragement, but knowledge generously shared from his wide experience of teaching White’s Technique and a lifetime’s study of the human voice improved the course immeasurably.

My ever-cheerful colleague John Tyte provided excellent editorial and technical assistance, and together with Mo Palios contributed many ideas that enhanced the course. Our talented web developer Max Shepley, the creative lead for Celeste Ltd. was crucial to the project.

A big thank you is due to all those who appear in or otherwise contributed to the audiovisual material. Simon Casciano, Dee Mardi, Peter Giles, Helen Hearn, Rich Farrell, Holly Watkins, Ruth Hoskins, Victoria Paterson: your patience and good humour throughout the recording and photo sessions is greatly appreciated.

Q: What are your plans for practising and developing your Better Voice?

Unit 1 Contents

Unit 2 Contents

Unit 3 Contents

Unit 4 Contents

Unit 5 Contents

Unit 6 Contents

6.7. What next?

We hope you will carry on your voice practice until Better Voice technique becomes the new normal, because the benefits will increase dramatically. Here’s a reminder of what a Better Voice can give you: 

  • A voice for life that you can use for as long as necessary at a time without it getting tired or weak. 
  • A clear, focused, well-modulated a voice that’s easy to hear and pleasing to listen to. 
  • No future strain or damage to your vocal folds. 
  • Recovery from any previous vocal fold damage. 
  • More confidence because you have confidence in your voice. 

Once the basics are well established you may want to develop your Better Voice further. Part Two of the Better Voice course gives step-by-step guidance on how to: 

  • Maintain your Better Voice technique over a larger range of notes and jumps in pitch. 
  • Add interest to your voice by developing a more musical and varied delivery. 
  • Smooth over breaks, those areas of your voice where you experience a gear change in the sound quality. 
  • Quite possibly extend your vocal range by moving beyond breaks that you have felt are a floor or a ceiling to your voice. 
  • Identify and learn how to integrate into your voice sound qualities you are not currently using when you speak. 
  • Develop voice effects that can be safely added on to your Better Voice as needed. 
  • Use your voice most effectively in challenging environments at work. 

Whatever plans you have for your Better Voice, we wish you and your voice well. 

© E.G. White Society 2019


Many people have made valuable contributions to this Better Voice course. First among them is Course Consultant Dr Peter Giles. Not only did he provide constant support and encouragement, but knowledge generously shared from his wide experience of teaching White’s Technique and a lifetime’s study of the human voice improved the course immeasurably.

My ever-cheerful colleague John Tyte provided excellent editorial and technical assistance, and together with Mo Palios contributed many ideas that enhanced the course. Our talented web developer Max Shepley, the creative lead for Celeste Ltd. was crucial to the project.

A big thank you is due to all those who appear in or otherwise contributed to the audiovisual material. Simon Casciano, Dee Mardi, Peter Giles, Helen Hearn, Rich Farrell, Holly Watkins, Ruth Hoskins, Victoria Paterson: your patience and good humour throughout the recording and photo sessions is greatly appreciated.

Q: What are your plans for practising and developing your Better Voice?